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Select publications (recent 5 years) from the Lab: 
(bold indicates lab members)


David H. Klinges, J. Alex Baecher, Jonas J. Lembrechts, Ilya M. D. Maclean, Jonathan Lenoir, Caroline Greiser, Michael Ashcroft, Luke J. Evans, Michael R. Kearney, Juha Aalto, Isabel C. Barrio, Pieter De Frenne, Joannès Guillemot, Kristoffer Hylander, Tommaso Jucker, Martin Kopecký, Miska Luoto, Martin Macek, Ivan Nijs, Josef Urban, Liesbeth van den Brink, Pieter Vangansbeke, Jonathan Von Oppen, Jan Wild, Julia Boike, Rafaella Canessa, Marcelo Nosetto, Alexey Rubtsov, Jhonatan Sallo-Bravo, Brett R. Scheffers (2024). Proximal microclimate: Moving beyond spatiotemporalresolution improves ecological predictions. Global Ecology and Biogeography

Jake A. Lawlor, Lise Comte, Gaël Grenouillet, Jonathan Lenoir, J. Alex Baecher, R.M.W.J. Bandara, Romain Bertrand, I-Ching Chen, Sarah E. Diamond, Lesley T. Lancaster, Nikki Moore, Jerome Murienne, Brunno F. Oliveira, Gretta T. Pecl, Malin L. Pinsky, Jonathan Rolland, Madeleine Rubenstein, Brett R. Scheffers, Laura M. Thompson, Brit van Amerom, Fabricio Villalobos, Sarah R. Weiskopf, Jennifer Sunday (2024). Mechanisms, detection and impacts of species redistribution under climate change. Nature Reviews Earth & Environment.

Lise Comte, Romain Bertrand, Sarah Diamond, Lesley T. Lancaster, Malin L. Pinsky, Brett R. Scheffers, J. Alex Baecher, R. M. W. J. Bandara, I- Ching Chen, Jake A. Lawlor, Nikki A. Moore, Brunno F. Oliveira, Jerome Murienne, Jonathan Rolland, Madeleine A. Rubenstein, Jennifer Sunday, Laura M. Thompson, Fabricio Villalobos, Sarah R. Weiskopf, Jonathan Lenoir (2024). Bringing traits back into the equation, A roadmap to understand species redistribution. Global Change Biology.



Baecher, J.A., S.A. Johnson, E.A. Roznik, B.R. Scheffers. 2023. Experimental evaluation of how biological invasions and climate change interact to alter the vertical assembly of an amphibian community. Journal of Animal Ecology *Highlighted in Nature Climate Change Editorial (Nat. Clim. Chang. 13, 312 (2023))

Basham, ​E.W., J.A. Baecher, D.H. Klinges, B.R. Scheffers. 2023. Vertical stratification patterns of tropical forest vertebrates: a meta‐analysis. Biological Reviews 



Basham, E.W., M. González-Pinzón, A. Romero-Marcucci, N. Carl, J.A. Baecher, B.R. Scheffers. 2022. Large, old trees define the vertical, horizontal, and seasonal distributions of a poison frog. Oceologia 

Morton, O., B.R. Scheffers, T. Haugaasen, D.P. Edwards. 2022. Effective protection of threatened species traded under CITES. Current Biology


Khazan, E. S., J. Haggard, I.C. Ríos Málaver, P. Shirk, B.R. Scheffers, 2022. Disentangling drivers of thermal physiology: Community‐wide cold shock recovery of butterflies under natural conditions. Biotropica


Lembrechts, Jonas J., et al. 2021. Global maps of soil temperature. Global Change Biology



Leahy, L., Scheffers, B.R., Williams, S.E. and Andersen, A.N., 2021. Arboreality drives heat tolerance while elevation drives cold tolerance in tropical rainforest ants. Ecology, p.e03549.


Borden, J. B., Bohlman, S., Scheffers, B. R.. 2021. Niche lability mitigates the impact of invasion but not urbanization. Oecologia


Hu, Y., Scheffers, B., Pan, X., Hu, H., Zhou, Z., Liang, D., Gibson, L. 2021. Positive abundance–elevational range size relationship weakened from temperate to subtropical ecosystems. Journal of Animal Ecology 90: 2623-2636.


De Lombaerde, E., Vangansbeke, P., Lenoir, J., Van Meerbeek, K., Lembrechts, J., Rodríguez-Sánchez, F., Luoto, M., Scheffers, B. R., Haesen, S., Aalto, J. and Christiansen, D.M., 2021. Maintaining forest cover to enhance temperature buffering under future climate change. Science of The Total Environment, 151338.


Edwards, D.P., D'Cruze, N., Altherr, S., Hughes, A., Janssen, J., Nijman, V., Pasachnik, S.A., Scheffers, B.R., Shepherd, C.R., Sy, E. and Auliya, M., 2021. The dangers of misrepresenting wildlife trade: response to Natusch et al. 2021. Conservation Biology 35: 1692-1694.


Hill, G.M., A. Y. Kawahara, J.C. Daniels, C.C Bateman, B.R. Scheffers. 2021. Climate change effects on animal ecology: butterflies and moths as a case study. Biological Reviews 96: 2113-2126


Oliveira, B., G. Yogo, D.A. Hahn, J. Yongxing, B.R. Scheffers. 2021 Community-wide seasonal shifts in thermal tolerances in mosquitoes. Ecology e03368 DOI:10.1002/ecy.3368


Morton, O., B.R. Scheffers, T. Haugaasen, D.P. Edwards. 2021. Impacts of wildlife trade on terrestrial biodiversity. Nature Ecology and Evolution 5: 540-548.


Fan, X.L., Z.H., Lin, B.R. Scheffers. 2021. Physiological, developmental, and behavioral plasticity in response to thermal acclimation. Journal of Thermal Biology 97: 102866.


De Frenne, P., J. Lenoir, M. Luoto, B.R. Scheffers, F. Zellweger, J. Aalto, M.B. Ashcroft, D.M. Christiansen, G. Decocq, K. De Pauw, S. Govaert, C. Greiser, E. Gril, A. Hampe, T. Jucker, D.H. Klinges, et al., 2021. Forest microclimates and climate change: Importance, drivers and future research agenda. Global Change Biology 27:2279-2297


Leahy, L., B.R. Scheffers, A.N. Andersen. B. T. Hirsch, and S.E. Williams. 2021. Vertical niche and elevation range size in tropical ants: Implications for climate resilience. Diversity and Distributions 27: 485-496.


Klinges, D. H. and B.R. Scheffers. 2021. Microgeography, not just latitude, drives climate overlap on mountains from tropical to polar ecosystems. The American Naturalist 197: 75-92.


Basham, E. W., R. Saporito, M., González-Pinzón, A. Romero-Marcucci, and B.R. Scheffers. 2021. Chemical defenses shift with the seasonal vertical migration of a Panamanian poison frog. Biotropica 53: 28-37



Basham, E. W., R. Saporito, M., González-Pinzón, A. Romero-Marcucci, and B.R. Scheffers. Chemical defenses shift with the seasonal vertical migration of a Panamanian poison frog. Biotropica


González-del-Pliego, P., B.R. Scheffers, R.P. Freckleton, E.W. Basham, M.B. Araujo, A.R. Acosta-Galvis, C.A. Medina Uribe, T. Haugaasen, D.P Edwards. In press. Thermal tolerance and the importance of microhabitats for Andean frogs in the context of land-use and climate change. Journal of Animal Ecology


Lembrechts, J. J., Aalto, J., Ashcroft, M. B., De Frenne, P., Kopecký, M., Lenoir, J., ... & García, R. A. (Klinges D. H., Scheffers B.R., Basham E W.; >50 co-authors). 2020. SoilTemp: a global database of near‐surface temperature. Global Change Biology


Basham, E. and B.R. Scheffers. 2020. Vertical stratification collapses under seasonal shifts in climate. Journal of Biogeography


Khazan, E.,J. Bujan, J., and B.R. Scheffers. 2020. Patterns of ant activity and nesting ecology depend on flooding intensity in a Neotropical floodplain. Internat. Journal of Tropical Insect Science, 1-9.


Diesmos, A.C., B.R. Scheffers, N.A.D Mallari, C.D. Siler, and R.M Brown. 2020. A new forest frog of the genus Platymantis (Amphibia: Anura: Ceratobatrachidae: subgenus Tirahanulap) from Leyte and Samar islands, eastern Philippines. Zootaxa 4830: 573-591.


Oliveira, B.,J. M. Flenniken, R.P. Guralnick, S.E. Williams, and B.R Scheffers. 2020. Historical environmental stability drives discordant niche filling dynamics across phylogenetic scales. Journal of Biogeography 47:807-816


Oliveira, B., B.R. Scheffers and G.G. Costa. 2020. Decoupled erosion of amphibians’ phylogenetic and functional diversity due to extinction. Global Ecology and Biogeography 29: 309-319


Seidl, C.M., Basham, E.W., and B.R. Scheffers. 2019. Bird’s nest fern epiphytes facilitate herpetofaunal arboreality and climate refuge in two Paleotropic canopies. Oecologia 192:297-309.



Scheffers B.R., B. Oliveira, I. Lamb, and D.P. Edwards. 2019. Global wildlife trade across the tree of life. Science 366: 71-76 *Altmetric score of 874. Press coverage by 55 News Outlets 


Scheffers B.R. and G. Pecl. 2019. The future of biodiversity under climate change – persecuted, protected, or ignored? Nature Climate Change 9: 581-586 *Highlighted in Nature Climate Change Editorial (Nat. Clim. Chang. 10, 377 (2020))


González-del-Pliego, P., Freckleton, R.P., Edwards, D.P., Koo, M.S., Scheffers, B.R., Pyron, R.A. and Jetz, W., 2019. Phylogenetic and trait-based prediction of extinction risk for data-deficient amphibians. Current Biology 29: 1557-1563. 


De Frenne, P., F. Zellweger, F. Rodríguez-Sánchez, B.R. Scheffers, K. Hylander, M. Luoto, M. Vellend, K. Verheyen, and J. Lenoir. 2019. Global buffering of temperatures under forest canopies. Nature Ecology and Evolution 3: 744​


Oliveira, B.and B.R. Scheffers. 2019. Vertical stratification influences global patterns of biodiversity. Ecography 42:249-258


Basham, E.W.,C.M. Seidl,L.R. Andriamahohatra, B.F. Oliveira, and B.R. Scheffers. 2019. 

Distance-decay differs among vertical strata in a tropical rainforest. J. Anim. Ecology 88:114-124

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